Opening times:

Mo-Fr: 08:00 – 17:00
Sa: 09:00 – 13:00

Business data

VAT Reg No.:

Registered office

Christian J. Eichenberger

Commercial register
AG Friedberg HRB 8301


Dedicated employees with a wealth of expertise in interior design and logistics work at our international locations in ten European countries. More cities will certainly be added to our location map. One thing will remain constant: our work is characterised and guided by the same values and aspirations everywhere, working together with you to create the perfect atmosphere that creates lasting enthusiasm.

Björn Bieling
Key Account Manager
T: +49 6002 93934-144
Rebecca Franz
Key Account Manager
T: +49 6002 93934-137
Raphael Gerlach
Director Business Development
T: +49 6002 93934-128
M: +49 151 15058971
Julieta Grosch
Head of Sales
T: +49 6002 93934-121
Alexander Hahner
Head of Sales
T: +49 6002 93934-145
Saskia Hiecke
Project Management
T: +49 6002 93934-178
Simone Hofmann
Key Account Manager
T: +49 6002 93934-150
Eric Krewinkel
Project Management
T: +49 6002 93934-0
Elena Maurer
Manager | Backcounting
T: +49 6002 93934-156
Paula Neumann
Account Manager | Sales
T: +49 6002 93934-152
Andreas Schiedlofsky
Key Account Manager
T: +49 6002 93934-118
Lilian Sipf
Account Manager | Sales
T: +49 6002 93934-136
Hendrik Walther
Account Manager | Sales
T: +49 6002 93934-160
Michelle Wex
Manager | Sales
T: +49 6002 93934-133

Sven Gmyrek
Manager | Supply Chain & WMS / Stockmanagement
T: +49 6002 93934-165
Tabea Hinz
Assistant Manager | Sub-Rental
T: +49 6002 93934-181
Thorsten Kelbassa
Senior Manager | Sub-Rental & & WMS / Stockmanagement
T: +49 6002 93934-0
André Kreiling
Head of Support & Logistics
T: +49 6002 93934-159
Andre Müller
Manager | Vehicle Dispatching
T: +49 6002 93934-141
Jana Petek
Manager | Purchasing & Sub-Rental
T: +49 6002 93934-131

Erkan Altinok
Assistant Manager | Complaint Management
T: +49 6002 93934-183
Andreas Behrens
Head of Finance, Accounting & Services
T: +49 6002 93934-184
Christian Eichenberger
Managing Partner
T: +49 6002 93934-0
Angela Gödicke
Account Manager
T: +49 6002 93934-129
Marcel Krolbert
Assistant Manager | Personnel Dispatching
T: +49 6002 93934-153
Elmar Tölg
Head of Frankfurt / Prokurist
T: +49 6002 93934-180
Manuel Vellar
Assistant Manager | ID & CAD
T: +49 6002 93934-161
Bernadette Wenger
Assistant Manager | Accounting
T: +49 6002 93934-115
Niklas Welland
Manager | Corporate Strategy Controlling
T: +49 6002 93934-167
Represented throughout Europe


We're always nearby: Today, with 26 logistics centres in Europe and over 120 of our own delivery vehicles, we bring your equipment to you quickly and efficiently. Thanks to short delivery routes, we guarantee a high degree of flexibility – with fixed regional contact partners and supra-regional performance.



Do you have a question or need an individual consultation? Send us an e-mail - we are happy to contact you.

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