Opening times:

Mo-Fr: 08:30 – 17:00
Showroom: By arrangement
Self pick-ups: By arrangement

Business data

VAT Reg No.:

Registered office

Mag. Gertrude Emrich

Commercial register
FN 373664 g DVR-Nr.: 4006553


Dedicated employees with a wealth of expertise in interior design and logistics work at our international locations in ten European countries. More cities will certainly be added to our location map. One thing will remain constant: our work is characterised and guided by the same values and aspirations everywhere, working together with you to create the perfect atmosphere that creates lasting enthusiasm.

Tina Kronsteiner
Marketing & Communications
T: +43 1 361 9555-0
M: +43 699 1350 3003
Rene Pavlovics
Key Account Management
T: +43 1 361 9555-50
M: +43 699 1350 3010
Dominik Pucher
Head of Sales & Purchasing
T: +43 1 361 9555-0
M: +43 699 1350 3005
Rikin Solanki
Account Management
T: +43 1 361 9555-51

David Fasching
Logistics Management
T: +43 1 361 9555-0
M: +43 699 1350 3012
Damir Hosni
T: +43 1 361 9555-0
Günther Menzl
T: +43 1 361 9555-0
Julian Mestreeh
T: +43 1 361 9555-0
Alexander Vogel
T: +43 1 361 9555-0

Edmond Emrich
Managing Partner
T: +43 7247 21021-22
M: +43 699 1350 3001
Mag. Gertrude Emrich
Managing Partner
T: +43 7247 21021-21
M: +43 699 1350 3002
Daniela Marica
Head of Financial Accounting
T: +43 1 361 9555-0
Sigrid Ströher
Office Management
T: +43 7247 21021-12
Represented throughout Europe


We're always nearby: Today, with 26 logistics centres in Europe and over 120 of our own delivery vehicles, we bring your equipment to you quickly and efficiently. Thanks to short delivery routes, we guarantee a high degree of flexibility – with fixed regional contact partners and supra-regional performance.



Do you have a question or need an individual consultation? Send us an e-mail - we are happy to contact you.

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